Bake at home….

We recommend that you look at the following sites for information on baking your sourdough at home:

Bake with Jack on YouTube

Maree Tink and the Sourdough Baking Australia facebook group. This group has lots of recipes, information and people willing to share and help.

Elaine Foodbod Boddy on facebook

Mary Grace Bread on her website, and also on Instagram

If you don’t use Facebook you may find this information useful. It is taken directly from the “Where do I start” document on the Sourdough Baking Australia facebook page which is a fantastic resource for home bakers.


You can either make your own starter (see below) which will take about two weeks, or you can ask someone to share some of theirs with you.

How Do I Make A Starter?

Day by day, with Maree Tink.- Short and sweet! You will need to scroll down to Day 1 and work back.

Day by day, with Teresa L Greenway. Quite detailed process with baking a loaf at the end.

21 Common Starter Problems and solutions from Maurizio over at The Perfect Loaf

Why Is There Liquid On Top Of My Starter? Why Have I Got So Much Discard? When Do I feed it?

How Do I Look After My Starter When I’m Not Baking? How Do I Prepare My Starter for Baking?

If you bake sourdough every couple of days you may want to keep starter at room temperature. While this means feeding it more often, it also means your starter will be ready to bake when you are. If you're a more casual/weekend baker, store your starter in the refrigerator. Bring it out and feed it at least twice before baking.

  • This article by Teresa L Greenaway contains lots of useful information including ‘Feeding Your Starter for Maintenance’ and ‘Feeding Your Starter to Use in a Formula (Recipe)’, found approx. 2/3 of the way down the page.


  • Maree has a short infographic summary of feeding starters for maintaining and also to prepare for baking here.



I don't like waste, how do I reduce discard? (the Scrapings Method)

  • Follow ‘Bake with Jack’ to discover how to feed your starter more efficiently (ie. reduce the amount you discard). Note that this is only for established starters, not relevant when you’re in the first two weeks of creating a new starter.



If you’re creating a new starter, wait until at least Day 8 before using the discard to make some goodies. Crackers, pancakes and a whole lot more. Also do a search within the group for loads of ideas. Use ‘discard’ as the search criteria.



Apart from a set of digital scales, equipment needs are minimal - most people already have items in their kitchen that are perfectly suitable for mixing, proofing and baking. Have a look at Elly Stanley’s video for some ideas.



These recipes all have a few things in common

  • · they are a relatively low hydration (not a lot of water ~approx. 70%), so aren’t too ‘wet’ for a beginner to handle

  • · they use primarily white baker’s flour (20% or less whole grain/rye flours)

  • · they use techniques like ‘stretch & fold’ and shaping into a boule (round ball)

  • Adding things like seeds & fruit, using spelt flours, increasing hydration, etc., will come - it’s important to learn to walk before you run!

When you’re ready to branch out, check the Group Files for recipes posted by members. And please remember to give credit in your posts if you use one of them.

Beginners Recipes

Maree’s Start-Up Sourdough Loaf (MSU)

  • A tried and tested formula with links to help understand the terminology and process at each step.

  • Recipe:

  • Follow along event:

  • YouTube link showing entire process:

Teresa L Greenway’s First (Day 12) Sourdough Bake


Emilie’s Everyday Sourdough (The Clever Carrot)


Bake with Jack’s Sourdough Loaf for Beginners


FoodBod Master Recipe


If you’re creating a new starter, wait until at least Day 8 before using the discard to make some goodies. Crackers, pancakes and a whole lot more.
